Captura Group

Hispanic Homeownership Is on The Rise: know it, own it!

Hispanics today are actively seeking homeownership opportunities. They view owning a home as part of their social and economic well-being, and are more than ever financially prepared for it.

Hispanics are not only the fastest growing minority in the United States, but according to the Hispanic Wealth Project’s (HWP) 2016 State of Hispanic Homeownership Report, they’re young, educated, entrepreneurs, business owners that over index on mobile use, and 9 out of 10 would prefer to own a home rather than rent.

Hispanics need no convincing when it comes to homeownership

Because the Hispanic culture places such a big value on family well-being as a whole, wanting to own a home is part of the Hispanic DNA. Hispanics firmly believe that it is the best option for their future. From a 2016 Fannie Mae Housing Survey stated in the HWP report:

Clearly, most Hispanics will strive for homeownership at some point in their life, as they inherently believe that owning a home is best for their family’s future. With no convincing needed, it’s mostly a matter of when and how will the right home-buying opportunities be presented to them to make their dream come true.

Hispanics have economic buying power

Hispanics’ wallets have been growing at a steady rate, with no signs of slowing. Quite the contrary, a recent Stanford Latino Entrepreneurship Initiative (SLEI) study shows:

Hispanics don’t just have healthy wallets, they’re young and educated too. And even more noteworthy, these figures are double those of the national rate, according to SLEI.

Also, according to the HWP:

Hispanic shopping, including for homes is increasingly mobile

You can reach and own the Hispanic home buying market from the palm of their hand, literally. Reaching the Hispanic market through mobile isn’t anything new. However, winning over their home-buying hearts will depend on:

All in all, while the Hispanic homeownership market is practically being served on a silver platter, financial institutions are just now catching on. The HWP report states that “Hispanics are declined for conventional home loans at a rate that is 7 percentage points higher than the national average.” And, that according to the 2016 Fannie Mae National Housing Survey “most (67 percent) say that it is a difficult time to get a home mortgage.”

It’s time for real estate agencies and financial institutions to equip themselves with a staff and digital platform that can cater to and unlock the home-purchasing power of the fastest growing demographic in the United States today. Hispanic millennials, and Hispanics in general place great value and become loyal to brands that they can identify with culturally, and that understand their preference and need for digital mobile interaction.

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